See Full List On

Other install options (like full DVD download) will be available soon. Update: The IOS for registered users is at

More On the Update.. and XE6

The list of bugs fixed by this update is available at As you can see there are over 30 QC bugs fixed (the actual bug numbers are listed) and another 90 bugs found internally (some of which might be duplicate of other QC entries, as well).

The areas covered encompass the entire product with bugs in REST client and BaaS support, several C++ and Object Pascal compilers, data access libraries (IBX, dbx, FireDAC, DataSnap), quite a few in the debuggers for the various platforms, demos, FireMonkey and VCL component, the IDE, RTL, the new App Tethering, and even SOAP.

In other words, this update makes a quality product even better. If you still don't own XE6, what are you waiting? There are great offers, discounted updates, and extra free components available only until the end of June. Info at

A New Toolbar in the XE6 IDE

Beside bug fixes there is also a new feature in the IDE, namely a new toolbar we added to Appmethod for new developers (see below), but that can also come handy to existing RAD Studio users, the reason why it is in both products. The new toolbar has a target platform selector and a target device selector for the given platform, making those options easier to reach than in the project manager:

Appmethod is Here

Today the company also officially released the new Appmethod development environment (based on the RAD Studio XE6 Update 1 bits). Appmethod is not meant for existing Delphi or RAD Studio customers, but you are more than welcome to try it out and recommend it to your friends who are in mobile development. The only caveat is you should not install it on the same physical machine or virtual machine where XE6 is installed, as the two don't coexist (they are installed in the same folder).

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Why does Appmethod matter to Delphi developers? Not that you really want to use it, but it is the tool to send to your friends looking for a mobile-centric, subscription-based solution. The key difference is the way the product is sold, because in Appmethod you buy the platforms you want, and code in either C++ or Object Pascal.

Embarcadero Rad Studio Xe6 Serial Number

One special thing in Appmethod is that the C++ Android phone version is free to use and deploy apps to the Play Store. All of the information is on the specific web site.